* This Celtic Brigid statue measures 8" tall, 4" wide and 3" deep approximately.
* This Celtic Brigid statue is made of high quality designer resin, individually handpainted and polished. Because each piece is partially hand crafted, color tone may vary from pictures.
* This Celtic Brigid statue is a must have for Celtic Mythology Enthusiast. Hand made in cast resin, these figurines are intricately sculpted and hand painted to resemble the likeness of the actual figures. Each statue represent a story of her own.
* This Celtic Brigid statue is Ebros Gift exlusive collection
In Celtic polytheism and Irish mythology, Brigit, Brigid or Brighid (exalted one[1]) is the daughter of the Dagda and one of the Tuatha Dé Danann. She was the wife of Bres of the Fomorians, with whom she had a son, Ruadán. As is often the case with Celtic deities who are described as threefold, she is seen as three sisters, all named Brigid, who perform various functions in society, such as healing, poetry and smithcraft.In the Middle Ages, the goddess Brigid was syncretized with the Christian saint of the same name. According to medievalist Pamela Berger, Christian "monks took the ancient figure of the mother goddess and grafted her name and functions onto her Christian counterpart," St. Brigid of Kildare.[9] St. Brigid is associated with perpetual, sacred flames, such as the one maintained by 19 nuns at her sanctuary in Kildare, Ireland. The sacred flame at Kildare was said by Giraldus Cambrensis and other chroniclers to have been surrounded by a hedge, which no man could cross. Men who attempted to cross the hedge were said to have been cursed to go insane, die or be crippled.