After explaining how John’s fly fishing side gig inspired a few major changes in our sunroom last week (i.e. we got rid of every last scrap of décor…), so many of you asked for the scoop on how he organizes his outdoor fishing gear! So, today I’m back to share a full tour of his fly-tying space, including several “man-friendly” décor ideas.
I’m the first to admit that this type of décor is a little different than my own personal taste, but I really do love so many things about John’s fly-tying room. I’m pretty darn confident that you’ll find more than a few things to love in the space, too, so keep scrolling for the tour.
To orient you, John’s fly-tying space is on the lower level of our home in the finished section just off the family room. We think it used to be the previous homeowner’s office since it came filled with filing cabinets and loose papers, but it took next to no time for us to decide that it was perfect for John’s fishing gear.
First, we pulled up the old berber carpet to reveal the original 1960s mint tile underneath. After that, we layered a couple rugs of our own on the floor to make the room feel softer and cozier. The shag rug in the back is ultra luxurious, but my favorite (and I know John agrees) is the oriental rug he put under his desk. It came from an antique store in Williamsburg, Virginia, and is especially awesome for a fly-tying space since the busy pattern hides almost all traces of loose feathers and string that inevitably fall while he’s working.
In terms of storage in the space, there are a few key zones. First a vintage 6-drawer dresser that John uses to store his collection of rods and reels, plus a few books, magazines, and other types of containers for his flies. On the other side of the room, he put up an old IKEA cabinet filled with soft cubes, which he labeled to hold all of his specific tools and accessories.
I think the main storage area in the space, though, is his peg board. He hung a whole smorgasbord of hooks and pegs on the board to keep his collection of fly-tying materials organized and at-the-ready while he’s sitting at his desk tying for hours at a time. I love how colorful and inspiring it looks! Makes me wish I had something like it for all of my craft supplies…
As for décor, John asked me to help him put together a mini gallery wall of a few of his favorite prints and pieces of vintage art, and we both love how it turned out. We also hung the old hardware store jacket he inherited when his grandfather passed away, and we leaned my DIY plywood magazine rack in one corner so he could show off his favorite fly fishing books and guides.
Even though his space is, of course, a little looser and more masculine than my style, I think you can see how his aesthetic is pretty on par with my own. People always ask me if I’ve taken over the house, and whether I let John help me make design decisions, and I like to think that showing his room to you proves that we like a very similar look! We both love retro, mid-century design, and are pretty darn passionate about celebrating cool antiques whenever we’re able to.
Got a question? Leave it in the comments below! I know he’s ready and willing to offer advice to anyone looking to put together a similarly laid-out fly fishing room, so let me know if you’re interested in resources or if you’re wondering how to make it work in your own small space.
The post John’s Fly Fishing Fly-Tying Room Tour appeared first on Dream Green DIY.
#Lighting #Family #Furniture #Organization #Art