Let’s be honest, if you’re a crafter, hearing “declutter craft stash” makes your heart sink and pound at the same time
But if you’ve crafted for even a short amount of time, chances are you need to edit and declutter your craft supplies and equipment. Grab the free printable Declutter Craft Stash Checklist below and let’s do this together.
Before we get started, you should know that I’m both a crafter and a professional organizer. Those two parts of me battle it out in my craft room. I truly understand how difficult it can be for us crafters to declutter a craft stash.
If you missed the first day of the organized home challenge, How to Plan Craft Room Organization, you definitely want to start there first.
Let’s be honest. “I just don’t have enough craft supplies,” is rarely heard spoken by a crafter. Usually you hear:
“Oh, those are on sale! I want them.” “Oh, don’t get rid of that, I’ll take it.” “I can’t get rid of that, I might need it some day.” “I don’t know what I’m going to do with that, but it’s so cute/interesting/pretty that I’ll think of something.” “I never know when I might need that.” “No, I don’t have time now, but I hope to start crafting again some day.” “I know it’s broken, but it was expensive. I can’t just throw it away.” “Gosh, I have too much stuff in here! I need to get rid of something. But not today.” Declutter Craft Stash
So then how do we start decluttering our craft supplies?
Gather All Craft Supplies and Equipment
Hopefully, you’ve already gathered everything together in one place in the previous How to Plan Craft Room Organization article. But if you haven’t now is the time.
Sort Them into Categories
First sort craft items into craft categories. Put all the sewing items together. All the scrapbooking items together. Continue until you can identify your major craft categories.
Then group like items together within each category. Group all the scrapbook paper together, by size and or color. Group all the scrapbook adhesives together. Group all the scrapbook stickers together, and so on.
While it’s not absolutely necessary to first sort items into craft categories, it makes it much easier in the next step.
Edit the Categories
Look at the categories of different types of craft supplies you have. Do you still do each of those types of crafts or have you given some of them up?
Do you still have the space of each type of craft? If the craft requires equipment that you don’t have the space for, that would be a good candidate for editing out (getting rid of).
Look at each category honestly and critically. Ask yourself if that craft type is something you will do in the next year, preferable more than once.
By looking at each category individually, it makes it easier to identify entire categories that you are ready to let go and either sell or donate.
Edit the Items within the Categories
Now look at each grouping of items within the categories remaining.
Use the Declutter Craft Stash Checklist to help you decide which items and how many you should keep.
Be critical in deciding which items to keep. Make every single item earn its place in your newly organized craft space.
If you haven’t already, sign up for the 5-week challenge to join us for all the encouragement and fun.
Consider Your Space and Budget
Be realistic about how much space you have for craft storage and organization. If you don’t have the space to store items so that they’re easy to access and use, then you should edit them out.
Also, be realistic about your budget. If you don’t have the budget to organize and store your craft supplies, then edit them out and keep only what you can afford to organize and store.
How to Make the Tough Decisions
It can be difficult to let some items go. Whether they were given to you by someone special or the items represent some special memory to you.
Use the Declutter Craft Stash Checklist below for ideas on how to handle letting sentimental items go.
Where to Donate
It can be easier to let special craft supplies and equipment go when you know that they are going to be put to good use.
Nonprofits organizations are on limited budgets and often greatly appreciate donations of usable items. Please always check with organizations first to see what equipment and supplies from your decluttered craft stash they can use. I’ve included ideas of places to contact about donating craft items on the Declutter Craft Stash Checklist.
Download and print your free Declutter Craft Stash Tips Checklist and get started on your craft room.
Be sure to checkout all the rooms, tips and checklists involved in the Organized Home Challenge – 5 Rooms in 5 Weeks.
Pin for later so you can find the printable when you’re ready to tackle your craft room and the declutter craft stash steps.
The post Declutter Your Craft Stash appeared first on Organized 31.
#Printables #OrganizedHomeChallenge #Printable #Crafts #Organize

Before we get started, you should know that I’m both a crafter and a professional organizer. Those two parts of me battle it out in my craft room. I truly understand how difficult it can be for us crafters to declutter a craft stash.
If you missed the first day of the organized home challenge, How to Plan Craft Room Organization, you definitely want to start there first.
Let’s be honest. “I just don’t have enough craft supplies,” is rarely heard spoken by a crafter. Usually you hear:
“Oh, those are on sale! I want them.” “Oh, don’t get rid of that, I’ll take it.” “I can’t get rid of that, I might need it some day.” “I don’t know what I’m going to do with that, but it’s so cute/interesting/pretty that I’ll think of something.” “I never know when I might need that.” “No, I don’t have time now, but I hope to start crafting again some day.” “I know it’s broken, but it was expensive. I can’t just throw it away.” “Gosh, I have too much stuff in here! I need to get rid of something. But not today.” Declutter Craft Stash
So then how do we start decluttering our craft supplies?
Gather All Craft Supplies and Equipment
Hopefully, you’ve already gathered everything together in one place in the previous How to Plan Craft Room Organization article. But if you haven’t now is the time.
Sort Them into Categories
First sort craft items into craft categories. Put all the sewing items together. All the scrapbooking items together. Continue until you can identify your major craft categories.
Then group like items together within each category. Group all the scrapbook paper together, by size and or color. Group all the scrapbook adhesives together. Group all the scrapbook stickers together, and so on.
While it’s not absolutely necessary to first sort items into craft categories, it makes it much easier in the next step.
Edit the Categories
Look at the categories of different types of craft supplies you have. Do you still do each of those types of crafts or have you given some of them up?
Do you still have the space of each type of craft? If the craft requires equipment that you don’t have the space for, that would be a good candidate for editing out (getting rid of).
Look at each category honestly and critically. Ask yourself if that craft type is something you will do in the next year, preferable more than once.
By looking at each category individually, it makes it easier to identify entire categories that you are ready to let go and either sell or donate.
Edit the Items within the Categories
Now look at each grouping of items within the categories remaining.
Use the Declutter Craft Stash Checklist to help you decide which items and how many you should keep.
Be critical in deciding which items to keep. Make every single item earn its place in your newly organized craft space.
If you haven’t already, sign up for the 5-week challenge to join us for all the encouragement and fun.
Consider Your Space and Budget
Be realistic about how much space you have for craft storage and organization. If you don’t have the space to store items so that they’re easy to access and use, then you should edit them out.
Also, be realistic about your budget. If you don’t have the budget to organize and store your craft supplies, then edit them out and keep only what you can afford to organize and store.
How to Make the Tough Decisions
It can be difficult to let some items go. Whether they were given to you by someone special or the items represent some special memory to you.
Use the Declutter Craft Stash Checklist below for ideas on how to handle letting sentimental items go.
Where to Donate
It can be easier to let special craft supplies and equipment go when you know that they are going to be put to good use.
Nonprofits organizations are on limited budgets and often greatly appreciate donations of usable items. Please always check with organizations first to see what equipment and supplies from your decluttered craft stash they can use. I’ve included ideas of places to contact about donating craft items on the Declutter Craft Stash Checklist.
Download and print your free Declutter Craft Stash Tips Checklist and get started on your craft room.
Be sure to checkout all the rooms, tips and checklists involved in the Organized Home Challenge – 5 Rooms in 5 Weeks.
Pin for later so you can find the printable when you’re ready to tackle your craft room and the declutter craft stash steps.
The post Declutter Your Craft Stash appeared first on Organized 31.
#Printables #OrganizedHomeChallenge #Printable #Crafts #Organize