The Army Mule never saw action with our ground forces in Korea, and the Army didn’t keep their Mules long enough to give them an Indian name.
The Navy readily accepted all the Army Mules and designated them HUP-3. The HUP-2, the standard Navy variant, served mainly as a plane guard from 1951until 1965. A few were modified for ASW work. Canada and France bought small numbers of the total 339 Mules ever built. So although Aurora promoted this kit as the Army Mule, its history is as a Navy Retriever. During very busy stages of the Cold War, HUP-2s rescued uncounted airedales and were always seen in the coverage of carrier ops.
The Navy readily accepted all the Army Mules and designated them HUP-3. The HUP-2, the standard Navy variant, served mainly as a plane guard from 1951until 1965. A few were modified for ASW work. Canada and France bought small numbers of the total 339 Mules ever built. So although Aurora promoted this kit as the Army Mule, its history is as a Navy Retriever. During very busy stages of the Cold War, HUP-2s rescued uncounted airedales and were always seen in the coverage of carrier ops.