Do you love making unique gifts and keepsakes with your hands? Have you had people ooh’ing and ahh’ing over your creations for years? Do you wish you had more time so that you could do more crafting and maybe make money doing it? If you can say yes to these questions then you need to be turning your once hobby into a lucrative income.
Craft shows are everywhere in nearly every town in the world at one time or another. Perhaps these shows are attached to town festivals. Perhaps the festivals themselves are what make the town famous. Either way, these shows are easy work from home income opportunities for the serious crafter.
It’s a huge step when you decide to take a hobby to the next level and start trying to make money off of it. It’s scary, it’s difficult, but it can be so very rewarding. The key to making your crafting business a success is being prepared and armed with information. You have to know what you’re doing before you can start.
That’s what I am about to teach you in this book, to help you along the way of turning fun into profit! This is more than just a guidebook, it’s a training manual designed especially for you – in the beginning of your craft business.
Other Details
- 25 Articles (TXT, DOC)
- Ebook (PDF, DOC) 46 pages